Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shop around the clock

I have a confession to make. On my way to Notting Hill and Kensington, I thought I might write about the British habit of going shopping on Sundays. Plenty of shops are opened - even supermarkets - and people shop a lot. Some shops are even opened all night long. Not only tourists, but also the Londoners, use this offer. And then I found myself browsing through some shops in Kensington as well...
Culture followed consumption. I visited Leighton House Museum in Kensington. It's the most beautiful house, formerly owned by Frederic Leighton, famous English painter and sculptor of Victorian times. I had already seen some of his pictures in Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool and Lady Lever Art Gallery in Port Sunlight.

The house of this life-long bachelor shows his great interest in ancient Rome, Middle Eastern art, world religions and the works of his fellow artists. Over the doorway to the Dining Room is the German word 'Prosit'. It hints at Leighton's early life in Frankfurt where he received his education and learned how to paint.

The atmosphere of The Arab Hall captures the visitors at once. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take any pictures. However, the hall and all other rooms of this magnificent house can be visited online on a virtual tour. You can even hear the ripple of the water fountain.
Pink blue bell in Leighton House's garden

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bettina,

    you are travelling a lot - and you have a good time on the "island". Freut mich, dass es dir gut geht. sende dir ganz liebe grüße

