Friday, May 21, 2010

Lions on stage and on Trafalgar Square

In need of another news story I went to the Royal Court of Justice today. I was far too late for today's most interesting case, the court case between British Airways and the union representing the cabin crew.

I followed a group of elderly people into one of the court rooms and didn't understand a word. I guess it was all about a female doctor's career that was abruptely ended by her employer The General Medical Council. But I may be completely wrong. When the group of elderly listeners left the court making a lot of noise, the guy sitting beside me wrote "Devine Young Farmers Club" on a piece of paper, slid it into my direction and smiled.

I left before the hearing ended and went to two other cases. Hope I got the content of at least these two cases right. One was with a young man who had taken part at a robbery that ruined the life of a formely very active 80-year-old lady. His sentence of 3,5 years wasn't prolonged as the children of the victim had demanded.

The other case handled the sentences of three young people from Latvia who had smuggled millions of cigarettes into England. One of them was additionally found guilty of money laundering. The two women's sentences were reduced by one year each; the man's sentence was still 10,5 years.

After all this misery my soul demanded for something relaxing in the evening. I got myself a ticket for the musical The Lion King. Beautiful costumes, powerful African choir songs but very few hits and - with one exception - no outstanding solo singers. But costumes and stage setting evened this out.

After the show I took some pictures of Trafalgar Square at night where four lions sit below Lord Nelson. Probably four of the most popular photo objects in London.

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