Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Save Our System" in Little Venice

After having survived my first week at the school I had a nice day out today - with my new companion, a paper notebook.

Close to my flat is Little Venice. The triangular leafy basin got its nickname by a poet. It doesn't look very much like the one and only Venice, but it is one of the prettiest spots on Regent's Canal.

All three days of this Bank holiday weekend The Inland Waterway Association (IWA) has invited boat owners from all over Britain to gather their colourful boats in Little Venice and spectators to join the so called Canalway Cavalcade.

I listened to the opening, very friendly publicity manager Christine supplied me with all the information I needed for my first feature, and then I strolled alongside the canal to take some pictures and speak with boat owners and visitors. If it stays dry I'll go there again to see the pageant of illuminated boats tomorrow evening and try to take some nice pictures.

By the way, SOS stands for Save Our System and is the theme of this year's event (see picture above). I often wonder how much lies in the hands of charity here. The IWA maintains the canals in Britain. British Government has just reduced their support of the IWA by 10 million Pounds so there is even more additional money needed to keep the more than 220 years old waterways in good shape. The Human Fruit Machine (pictured below) is one of many creative ideas the organisers had to increase the amount of donations today.

Tonight I went to a live recording of the new BBC 4 radio commedy series Nick Mohammed in Bits. He speaks extremely fast, imitates young people's speak and uses a lot of puns so I nearly missed every other joke and got frustrated. Will I ever understand the people on the street younger than me? And will I understand the British in, let's say, a decade or two? So when I came home I watched some of his - quite easy to understand - children's commedy series Sorry, I've got no head. Very funny!

(For more information see Nick Mohammed's website)

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