Thursday, September 23, 2010


Some German words have found their way to the Anglo-American world. I knew about Kindergarten, Blitz and gemütlich, but during the last six months I came across some more.

The other day I saw this poster advertising an arts exhibition. At that time I've already heard the words kitschig and über-cool. In German we probably wouldn't use the word über-kitschig in this combination. And yesterday I read the word Doppelganger in a headline.

My favourite German words I can't do without? It's probably Nein whenever I find something unbelievable. And Achtung whenever I want to warn someone of an approaching car or loosing some of his/her belongings in the tube.

But my most favourite word is Achso. I use it whenever someone explains something to me and I'm beginning to understand. A course mate pointed this habit of me and many other Germans in England out to me. And since then I'm more and more aware about me using it.

Having been in England for nearly six months now, I probably should say Got it instead.

1 comment:

  1. ...or "I see" probably.
    Some elder people in the U.K. might have a problem with the German "Achtung!"...

    I will try to establish the word "Leidensdruck" in English on a conference in December. There is no one word translation for it and it is so typically German.

    Have a nice time
