Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pride London

Pride London is the UK's biggest festival of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people) community. Each year, it attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors.

I went to Oxford Street yesterday, to watch the parade. The sun was shining and the atmosphere was - as expected - great. It amazed me how many groups took part, representing nearly each part of society. Old and young gay and lesbian people; people with different religions, e.g. Muslims and Catholics; professions, e.g. armed forces, police, banks, supermarkets; political beliefs, e.g. members of the Tories, Labour Party, Liberals; people with different hobbies, e.g. hockey, swimming, football, choir singing; people active in the fight against HIV, discrimination or even domestic violence; and people with different sexual needs and favours (did you know what a 'bear' is?).

Here are some impressions I caught with my camera yesterday. Even pictured Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, who's said to have changed his opinion about gays and lesbians (encircled on the last picture).

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