Thursday, April 15, 2010

Britain before the election

Gordon Brown (Labour Party), David Cameron (Conservative Party), and Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats) are just giving their closing statement in Britain's first ever live TV debate. They have answered the questions by the studio audience in the first of three sessions broadcasted by ITV, Sky and BBC. It seems to me that all statements are fine but after they will have been elected they won't care about what they had said beforehand. The British are quite proud about their "historical" TV debate. The leading parties had debated a lot about this debate - and finally stepped in front of the camera. Let's see who will be the winner on May, 6. Cregg seams to be the favourite after this first debate, followed by Cameron and Brown.

In contrast stand my photos of todays walk through Soho, Fitzrovia and Marylebone. I got out of Piccadilly Circus tube station and stood eye in eye with Eros. Wasn't hit by his arrow as he must have shot it already (and I've already been hit ten years ago anyway). It's one of the top tourist attractions. When it was unveiled in 1893, it was so unpopular that the sculptor, Alfred Gilbert, lived in self-imposed exile for the next thrirty years. How taste can change!

Walking home through Regent's Park, I passed this beautiful tree in full blossom. The admiration for nature rarely changes, I guess.

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